
Commander Report


Jamie Guined

The end of our mission has finally come, and looking back on it, we can't believe how quickly the time has passed. When we arrived here two weeks ago, we were a group of six individuals, strangers who all shared a common interest and who were embarking on a common journey. We leave here a team, a REAL crew. As a commander, I could not be more pleased with how well this mission has gone and how so seamlessly this group of six strangers banded together to form one AWESOME team! We totally ROCKED this mission!!

Thank you to everyone who has followed and supported us on this journey!

And thank you to my crew Jay, Jimmy, Johanna, Besh, and Avid...y'all are the best and I am honored to have served on this mission with you. Fair winds and following seas my friends.

Jamie Guined


Crew 138