
Astronomy Report

Barak Stoltz, Crew 159


· Sky Conditions: Partially cloudy Skies.

· Wind Conditions: Extremely windy

· Observation Start Time: 1) 1:00 am 2) 3:00

· Observation End Time: 1) 1:45 am 2) 3:20

· Summary: Finally some progress! I went outside last night and filled Peter in on the details of the LED activity during the dome rotation. We found out that, as was the concern, the sensor was having issues which is causing the issues stated before with the dome rotation. At 3:00 pm today I went out to see if I could clean the sensor using compressed air. After some fiddling around and re-connecting wires while cleaning the circuit board, the dome works! It is not perfectly aligned but definitely within 5-10 degrees of the telescope’s location! Next I will be working with Peter to fix the autoguider as well as improve my experience with the CCD camera by further practice. The Quick Guide is also continuing to evolve into a much more comprehensive and wholesome guide.

· Objects Viewed: None.

· Problems Encountered: Attempting to troubleshoot software problems.