
Journalist Report


Elizabeth Howell

One day into our stay on Mars, I've come to realize that novelty and fear are intertwined in some way.

Our crew hiked up a 30-degree slope during an orientation to our immediate neighborhood, which was an experience I never had before. I sometimes required close instruction on how to place my every step. As time went on, my worry of falling lessened because I had wonderful guidance from Gordon (executive officer) on how to proceed safely.

There are other things that are new to me as well. Climbing up and down that half-ladder, half-staircase that runs between the top and bottom floors made me feel woozy at first. With experience, however, I felt more comfortable. Riding an ATV was something I hadn't done for a dozen years, but under the guidance of Gordon and Paula (commander) I started to understand how best to control the vehicle.

The way I deal with my fear is tempering it with knowledge. I stop, ask questions and apply the answers to what I'm doing. The fear is telling me that I need to know more about the situation to succeed. With experience and the knowledge imparted from my other crew members, I slowly feel myself become more confident.

Fear is a signal that more information is needed. On Mars, we would do well to listen to the fear, but not to let it rule us. It's just a matter of learning what we require to better deal with each situation.