
GreenHab Report


Ann-sofie Schreurs

MDRS crew 142/148/149 cyanobacteria to fertilize Martian soil

Friday 20th

The radish experiment has been going ok, we’ve been watering them with the control media/soil and the cyanobacteria equivalent.

We do think however that the experiment should be terminated as many of the plants are dying and we ran out of the media.

Took measurements today, see below.

We’re waiting to hear back from crew 142’s Cyrpien for the termination. We think the next crew (150) might need to send the plants back to Cyprien Verseux at NASA ARC to weight them, quantify and maybe sample them. (Adress: Cyprien Verseux/ Lynn Rothschild, Building 239, room 371, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000)

I would like to request the leftover water of Cyprien to use it for our ongoing plant experiments.