
Good Evening Mission Support!

Daily Summary Report (DSR) for 15 March 2016

SOL: 9

Person filling out Report: Ken Sullivan

Summary Title: Ketchup with the Silkworm Cookies please!!

Mission Status: All systems nominal

Sol 10 Activity Summary: Intergalactic media visitors joined us this morning. Lots of great conversation about why we enjoy the idea of Mars and all the dynamics involved with going to Mars. Short EVA to show the media team the suits and local area, then our Japanese team members made Udon noodles (both cricket and green algae noodles) for our guests. 3 servings for each guest confirmed the successful culinary skills of our far east friends. Brief demo of the NorCal rover (successful re-calibration) and then the media folks left us back to our business.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear, warm and calm.

Look ahead plan: EVA#9 for data collection for Japan Mars Society

Crew Physical Status: Good!

EVA: EVA 8 successful, not ATV usage.

Reports to be filed:

- Commander Report

- Engineering Report

- Journalist Report

- Daily Summary Report

- EVA #8 Report

- EVA #9 Request

- Astronomy Report

- HSO Report

Support Requested: None