
Commander Report


Chelsea Iwig

Crew 131 arrived on Mars today after a long journey from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. Upon arrival the crew immediately began settling into their rooms, cleaning the Hab, and organizing the Hab laboratory and upstairs living area. Two crewmembers went to get the food and supplies for the crew’s two-week stay on Mars. Once the supplies were brought back, they were inventoried and organized in the upstairs cabinets. Currently, the crew is finishing up making dinner and writing reports. Tomorrow Crew 131 will be officially entering Sim after some outdoor orientation activities and a crew photo. The crew will also be making all final preparations for the studies they will be conducting while on Mars. These studies include a usability study on an Aeroponics device that was built by students in the Human Factors undergraduate program at Embry-Riddle as well as a usability study on a pair of space suit gloves provided by a private space suit design company called Final Frontier Design. Additionally, the crew will be conducting an exercise study looking at the effect of exercise on stress and mood as well as a sleep pattern study looking at how the crew’s sleep patterns change when in an isolated and confined environment. Finally, the last study will involve testing out a variety of behavioral questionnaires to determine which are best for monitoring crew function and cohesion. Data collection for these studies will begin on Monday.

Overall, the crew is settling in to their new home for the next two weeks and is excited to begin their research. The crew is also eagerly awaiting the opportunity to explore Mars in their first EVA, which will be on Monday.


CommanderCheckIn Report


Chelsea Iwig

Crew Physical Health:

All are well other than two crewmembers with colds.

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Hab Maint:

DG came and installed a pipe heater to fix the issue with the frozen water pipes. The crew now has running water. The Hab was cleaned and organized upon arrival. The food was inventoried and organized, the new EVA suits were unpacked and put away, the refrigerator was thoroughly cleaned out as it was full of mold, and all the new lab equipment was put away.

Rep Sched:

Commander’s Check-In, Commander’s Report, HSO Report, Journalist Report, Engineering Reports

Tomorrow Plan:

The crew will be sleeping in until 8am tomorrow to recover from their long travels. In the morning the crew will complete outside activities done outside of sim, such as crew pictures and general orientation activities. The crew will begin sim at noon tomorrow. In the afternoon, Crew 131 will prepare for all of the science activities that will begin on Monday.


Crew 131 received two bins of food and supplies today as well as an additional bin of food and supplies for use if needed.

Support Req:

Currently, the marsnet Wifi is unavailable. The network being used is unprotected and called “wireless.”

Also, we currently cannot access HALp on our individual computers. Therefore, HALp is set up on the Hab laptop. Is there a way we can be able to access it on our individual computers?

Another issue is that the bandwidth is going down very fast. Only two computers were connected to wifi before COMS and only email was used on one and only HALp was used on the other, which is the Hab computer. It appears that the Hab computer is using the most bandwidth, but it has only been used for submitting reports and displaying the current bandwidth remaining. Wifi has been turned off of all portable devices and applications that automatically sync data have been disabled. Please advise.

The crew did not receive any yeast in the supply bins and therefore cannot make any bread. Could we please get some yeast at some point?

There is currently no gas for the ATVs other than what is currently in the tanks. The tanks are currently full.


Our Engineer’s name is Chui Lee. Her name in HALp is Chui Liu. Also, she has received very little briefing on her duties. She was briefed by the Engineer from our crew last year, but some items on the reports have changed since last year and she has many questions. She will list specific questions in her engineering report.