
Good day, Mission Support,

Date: 10APR2016 at 7:08 PM

GreenHab Officer Name: Jonathan Beechner

Today was my first day taking care of the greenhab. I turned off the light last night and back on in the morning. The temperature leveled around 76 °F during the daytime. Do you know what I can do to reach 80 °F?

Victoria LaBarre requested that we grow green onions that she brought with her. They are not seeds. They have been partially grown already. We potted the onions and put them in the greenhab, but we have no potting soil, so we used the dirt outside the hab. I don’t believe this contains the nutrients needed to grow the onions.


There are no sprouts evident. The soil was moist today, so I did not water them, but I did dip the paper towel in water. No progress is evident.


The sprouts continue to show growth. They now vary in length from 1.5cm to 4.0cm. I believe there was a typo in previous reports. Previous measurements were reported in millimeters. However, I believe those units should have been centimeters. The radishes are doing well.


The onions were potted today. Since they were partially grown, they currently vary in length from 11cm to 18cm. However, I do not believe they will last long in their current soil. I need ideas on what to do with them. Is there a way new soil can be provided? If not, can we do anything to mix our own soil?

Jonathan Beechner

GreenHab Officer