
Date: 04/03/2015

Author: Karen Rucker

EVA#: 04

Date: 04/03/2015

Time Slot: early AM

Objectives and Plans (preEVA): The objectives of the EVA were to test a radio repeater.

Narrative EVA Report: The EVA team tested Karen’s repeater without success.

Depart from Airlock: 0900

Checkin 1 Time: 0931

Checkin 1 Location: 12S 518521 4253171

Checkin 1 Comment: Arrived at first location. All is well.

Checkin 2 Time: 0948

Checkin 2 Location: 12S 518521 4253171

Checkin 2 Comment: Departing first location. All is well.

Checkin 3 Time: 1009

Checkin 3 Location: 12S 518224 4255987

Checkin 3 Comment: Arrived at second location. All is well.

Checkin 4 Time: 1031

Checkin 4 Location: 12S 518224 4255987

Checkin 4 Comment: Departing second location. Enroute back to hab. All is well.

Waypoint 1 Location: 12S 518521 4253171

Waypoint 1 Arrival: 0931

Waypoint 1 Depart: 0948

Waypoint 1 Findings: Repeater unsuccessful.

Waypoint 2 Location: 12S 518224 4255987

Checkin 3 Time: 1009

Waypoint 2 Depart: 1031

Waypoint 2 Findings: Repeater unsuccessful.