
EVA (#8) Report Summary

Date: 9DEC2015

Location: 1

Coordinates: 12S-518230E-425720N

Time: Departure at 10:30 am.

Return at 12:30pm

Duration: 2 hours

Lead: Emmy Jewell (1)

Crew Members:

Philippe Souvestre (2)

Susan Jewell (3)


ATV #1 – Emmy Jewell

ATV #2 – Philippe Souvestre

ATV #3 – Susan Jewell


Emmy, as the lead, commanded the EVA crew (Susan and Philippe) to the mountain range located directly north east of the HAB. HAB was in visual range 45% of the EVA mission. The crew collected two (2) different soil samples and recorded mission with pictures. Engineering check was completed. Communication with HABCOMM and between EVA members was clear and concise. Nicholas Jewell was HABBCOMM and Ilaria Cinelli was cook – both remained at the HAB. No injuries or accidents to report.