

Journalist Report 10 April 2016

Sol 02

Last night during dinner time we had the honor of having the company of Director Shannon Rupert. Director Rupert shared with us some very interesting stories from previous crews. We really enjoyed having her during dinner time. Today at about 0500 local time, after a restful night, crew member LaBarre was up to start reassembling her robot. She is making great progress putting all pieces together. Rest of crew members were up by 0630 local time. Crew engineers, Beechner and Hartman, detected some toilet issues. After inspecting it, they concluded that water pressure is not high enough to fill the toilet reservoir completely. Looking forward for solutions this issue will be reported to Mission Support during CAPCOM time.

For breakfast, we enjoyed some cereal and chocolate chip cookies as well as fresh brewed coffee prepared by crew member Beechner. During breakfast time crew members discussed today’s plan.

After getting the space suits on and following the pressurization protocols, at about 0940 local time first EVA group left the HAB to complete their day’s EVA 1 duties. This first group was headed by Commander Rucker, and completed by Beechner and LaBarre. While first EVA group was out remaining crew members Villarroel, Canham, and Hartman stayed at the HAB serving as communication support. Crew member Hartman spent part of the morning working on his Virtual Reality Project. Group staying in the HAB also spent time organizing the first aid kit cabinet as well as preparing lunch. Lunch menu included dehydrated turkey and corn as well as white rice. Upon first EVA group return, the whole crew enjoyed lunch together at about noon, local time. During that time second EVA group members discussed about their EVA plan.

At about 1400 local time second EVA group got out of the HAB to complete the assigned EVA duties. Both EVA groups (morning and afternoon) gained experience driving ATVs as well as using GPS navigation while staying in sim. Besides discovering the presence of another form of life other than us on this planet- Martian flowers- crew members observed:

• Ancient sand dunes

• Caprock erosion from wind and water (mass wasting)

• A mushroom shaped hoodoo

• A creek bed exhibiting signs of efflorescence

• A field of gypsum bordering a substantial quantity of bivalve fossils

During afternoon hours, while making amazing progress reassembling her robot, crew member LaBarre found some battery issues. She is working on finding a solution as soon as she can considering all the limitations we have here on Mars.

During the day, green HAB officer, Beechner, watered the radishes. They are doing great. Regarding tomato seeds, however, we did not notice any observable progress but some outstanding ideas have been proposed. On another note, crew members Beechner and LaBarre planted some green onions expecting good results for the week.

Engineers Beechner and Hartman completed their routine engineering round.

Head chef prepared a delicious dinner for crew members. She cooked chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, cheesy broccoli dip and lemonade.

Crew members feel motivated and ready to face more challenges here on Mars.

Otsmar J. Villarroel, Commander-in-training and crew Journalist, Crew 167B