
SOL: 6


HSO Philippe A. Souvestre

EVA Number: Crew 158 EVA 5

EVA Date: 05Dec2015

Location Coordinates: (12S-518230E-425720N)5

Time: Departure - 10:30 am.

Return - 12:15pm

Duration - 1 hour 45 minutes

Lead – Philippe A. Souvestre (1)

Crew Members – Nicholas Jewell (2) Susan Jewell (3)

ATV used: 1, 3, and 4


  1. All outside engineering checks were immediately performed upon leaving the HAB/s airlock.

  2. EVA Mission Theme: Combined airborne UAV reconnaissance and ground ATV operation simulation to locate, condition, and retrieve a wounded astronaut back to HAB.

Three ATV were used on this EVA 5 as follows:

1. EVA lead walked to the position where the “wounded astronaut” dummy was planned to be placed about 500 meter radius off HAB in SE quadrant.

2. Then, ATV 3 was used by UAV reconnaissance pilot [crew 2] to take place in such a position he could scout out the possible areas where the EVA astronaut might have had an accident that could explain his no return to HAB on time, hence triggering this particular SAR mission. After identification of the wounded astronaut location and landing the drone near the wounded personnel, UAV pilot drove ATV 3 to join the two other EVA 5 crews to assist in the retrieval of the wounded astronaut.

3. Upon drone pilot call, and visual on the drone hovering over wounded astronaut as an aerial beacon, both ATV 1 and 4 were respectively used by the intervention crew [lead and crew 3] to retrieve and provide care to the wounded personnel.

4. HAB was in visual range 50% of the EVA mission. The three crew conditioned and placed the light weighted wounded personnel [stuffed dummy] on the back of ATV 3 driven by UAV pilot and retrieved it back to HAB.

Communication with HABCOM and between EVA crews: was satisfactorily clear and loud. Emmy Jewell was HABCOM positioned in the HAB.

Incident: Early on the mission, on the way to retrieve the wounded astronaut, EVA 5 lead lost ear-tightened mike [went off his cheek an fell down away in his helmet]. Then, crew 2 immediately relayed lead’s manual directions to the crew 3 [UAV pilot].

Outcome: Mission was not delayed and was performed as planned.

No injuries or accidents to report.