

Engineering Report


Date: 05 November 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Stergios Palpanis

Diesel – 3 to 5% *

Propane – 40% (gauge at the top of the tank)

Gasoline (5 Gal for ATV) – 30%

Water (trailer) – 65cm from the bottom

Water (static) – 70cm from the top

Trailer to Static Pump used - No

Water (loft) – 30 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - Yes

Water Meter 100.300,70 Gallons on arrival (28/10/2015)

Atv # Oil Checked: Oil indicators are checked

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: 3.5 gallons

Atv # Tires Status: Good condition (arrival)

Atv # Hours Used Day: 3 Atv for 2 hour (used for radio signal survey)

Atv # Notes And Comments: No Comments

Summary of Engineering activities:

· Installed plastic sheathing wall in the engineering airlock.

· New dry wall in the engineering area was painted.

· Many maintenance jobs took place (e.g.: painting, spackling, replacing electrical outlets etc.)

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support: Since we arrived to the hab, the indicator at the diesel tank was slowly dropping. Today, it dropped to 1/16 and there is a possibility that the gage indicator could have been stuck. The diesel tank needs to be refilled as soon as possible.