
Crew GreenHab Officer Daily Report

Sol # 3

Crew # 161

Crew GreenHab Officer: Natalia Glazkova


Today during EVA#2 we have collected 3 soil samples from the following locations:

- 12S-517943E-4250801N, Soil sample #2 (Grey) collected.

- 12S-518005E-4250721N, Soil sample #3 (Purple-ish) collection.

- 12S-518024E-4250721N, Soil sample #4 (Red) collection.

I’ve planted the left radish spouts into 6 planting cells with the 50/50 ratio of Potting Mix/ Mars Soil: 3 planting cells without fertilizer; 3 planting cells with fertilizer. All 6 cells are put into the plant incubator inside the Hab.

The beans are placed into the moisturized towel for sprouts growth. No sprouts have appeared yet.


Natalia Glazkova

Crew HSO/Biologist