

Today I want to start my article talking about us. As in the previous days, many of us wake up at 7.00 a.m. maybe before that time. So there is no time for joking at MDRS. And we don’t joke. No tricky. No shortcut, just work. While the breakfast being prepared by Cyprien was smelling a wonderful odour, the crew got ready for a new day of activities. Energized by that smell the members were all prompt to outline daily projects. We didn’t have to wait long before the first crew members, Vincent and Carmel, entered the GreenHab to take care of radishes and chards, as much precious as feeble for our surviving here on Mars.

Cyprien was busy with the BioLab inventory, Christiane trying to boil some water from inside the GreenHab with SPOK (the Solar Cooker), having some responses, if not all positive, however not at all negative, Digby always involved in replying to e-mails and me writing down some notes in my diary and papers.

We never stop on Mars. The morning flew quickly by the time we had the breakfast and lunch time had came already. Cyprien cooked pasta, tuna, salmon and carrots. Our lunches are getting started quite soon when the EVA is on the day track. Well, on Tuesday we hosted a National Geographic visit, and today, we had Channel 4 visit. 12.30 p.m. the time scheduled. We allowed them to enter the HAB and granted to conduct some interviews before the EVA. They were excited, probably more than we were with the suits. Are you wondering why? I’m not, it’s a routine day, we work all the week to permit having all the puzzle settled. Mostly like NG, Channel 4 asked us why we want to go to Devon Island. I heard this word too many times in my life, getting around almost everyone I know. That’s the reason they don’t seriously assume our job. The feeling we as a whole give to media or people is of someone out of his mind, otherwise someone wanting to suicide. Neither of these goals is passing my mind, and the crew’s mind. Indeed, we all are one mind thinking. However, we’re largely available in talking to Ch 4 for our interviews, letting our emotions and sensations on this mission we’re facing up went through. By all the things, the most significant is we are normal. Normal persons want to enhance the world, improve technology, give a sense to the world and possibly get the humans to a new step, perhaps going to Mars. Oh, we are on Mars, sorry.

In any case, we went on our EVA, they filmed us leaving the Airlock room and they were glad to share their afternoon within MDRS. We were too. We appreciated their interest in the project we’re carrying on, and they appreciated our availability too.

The EVA lasted around three hours, and we performed well even though the effort is considerable. But we are lucky to do this job, so we never complaint.

At our return, Ch 4 was gone, however the meeting remained well printed to us, so don’t care about what people think of you, think about what people expect from you and as far as you love your job, one day you’ll do your dream job…