
Commander Report

Nick Orenstein

Commander's Log, Mars Date 1321228.8

Today we tidied up the Hab and ourselves for our weekly video transmission to Earth. It was nice to reflect back on our first week at the Mars Desert Research Station. I am proud of how much Crew 132 has accomplished individually and as a team. Seven days ago a wayward collection of space cadets left the Grand Junction System for Mars. Today, a family of seven faces cheerfully presents themselves to our curious audience back on the home world.

Most of my day has been spent editing video footage, so this report will be brief. Today isn't about me -- it's about all of us. With great admiration for the NASA astronaut transmissions from LEO and Earth's Moon that have come before us, and with great personal appreciation for the people on my crew, I encourage all MDRS supporters to watch our video.


Commander Check-In Report

Nick Orenstein

Crew Physical Status:


Eva Depart Time: n/a

Eva Return Time: n/a

EVA Highlights : n/a

Engineering/Hab Maintenance:

Continued GreenHab gap repair and finished installing new fan.

Report Transmission Schedule:

Commander Check-In

Engineering Report

HSO Report

Future EVA Plan

Science Report (Biology)

Daily Photos

Journalist Report

Commander Report

Plans for Tomorrow:

Submit weekly video overnight. Biology EVA. Other routine work.


We found another propane canister to use.

Support Requests:

The MDRS website for our crew still needs to be updated to accurately describe our positions. Charles Parrish is now GreenHab Officer and Danielle Youngsmith is the Crew Biologist. If possible, please also change HAL sign-in screens to include these changes.


Start of Week 2 on Mars. Tonight is our first attempt at submitting Reports via HAL at