
EVA Report:

EVA #3

Crew members: Executive Officer Sullivan, Biologist IIzuka, GreenHab Officer Hiraki and Journalist Mori

Location: Around the Hab (12S-518155E-425052N), Sentinel Hill (12S-519420E-4250245N)

Time: Departure 10:55 a.m., Return 13:55 p.m.

Duration: 3 hours


NorCal Rover testing (retrying with additional batteries because batteries

died so quickly in EVA 2), biological sampling, photo/video


*(11:15) GreenHab resupply shipment unloaded from docking

station and relocated inside for assembly.

*(11:30) Outside static tank was resupplied with water from our

Galactic Water Provider.

*(11:50) Rover was returned to Cycled Engineering Airlock for

diagnostics after wireless connection was lost.

*(12:00) ATV 4 parking brake repaired, five fully functioning

ATV’s waiting refueling supplies.

*(12:30) Collect soil sample and photo and video at Sentinel


*(13:40) Collect soil sample at septic area.