
Journalist Report


Selena Barrientos

Brad and Michael woke up early this morning and left to Hanksville at 0700 to buy gas for the ATV’s. The rest of the crew woke up at 0800 and Alex began making bacon tacos for breakfast. As soon as Brad and Michael returned, we all ate breakfast and discussed our daily schedule. Alex and Alice stayed back at the hab for mission support and waited to go out for EVA 2 in the evening. Lee tended to her duties in the green hab at 0800 and Michael completed the potable water rounds at 0830. At 0900 Brad, Michael, Selena and Lee suited up and depressurized for our first EVA of the day. We all mounted the ATV’s and headed out to “The Big Overlook” which has an amazing view over the Quarry. When we arrived, Brad and Lee ventured out amongst the hills while Michael took his quadracopter on a flight over the area. After about 20 minutes at the The Big Overlook, we hopped onto the ATV’s once again and rode to the Quarry. Michael flew the quadracopter above the Quarry to capture more footage. Brad, Selena and Lee scattered to admire the various attractions. We remained there for a good 30 minutes before we left to Pinto Canyon. Brad, Michael, Selena and Lee climbed down the canyon and walked along the dry wash of the river. We walked far enough into the canyon to sample gypsum and Michael also completed the chemist EVA on the riverbed. Quite a bit of time had passed, so we decided to head back up then walked back to the ATV’s. The crew arrived back at the hab at 1230 then depressurized and got out of the suits. Alex and Alice had white rice and chicken with

vegetables ready for lunch and we all ate. After lunch, Michael, Alex and Alice suited up and headed out to complete EVA 2. Brad, Selena and Lee stayed in the hab for mission support and also worked on the Capcom reports. Michael continued to check in with mission support throughout the entire time they were out in the field. Lee made her second trip to the green hab at 1700. Brad began cooking pasta and bread at 1800. Michael, Alex and Alice returned to the hab at 1830. Michael immediately started engineering rounds. After having eaten, Capcom window opened and the report submissions
