
SOL 06

Crew 161

Crew Commander: Divya Shankar

It was a regular day on Mars with Engineering Checks and EVA. We had morning briefs and Crew Engineer lead the team for EVA. Natalia and Adeniyi joined our Crew Engineer for the EVA to assist him in testing robot track. Myself and Veronika were assisting EVA as HabCom for today. We welcomed the crew after their tiring EVA and Veronika cooked us nice food. We cleaned the living area and the lab after that. I continued to do the chemical analysis of the Region-1 soil and rest of the crew with their projects. Since all of us are involved in our individual research activity past few days, we all played UNO in the evening and spend time together. Meanwhile we started planning our mid term video production and came up with cool ideas. We are also very excited to welcome another crew engineer Mahbub tomorrow who will be assisting Mikhail in the robot project in our next days of this journey on Mars.

Thank you


Divya Shankar


MDRS Crew 161