
Green Hab report

MDRS crew 142/148/149 cyanobacteria to fertilize Martian soil


The radish experiment has been going quite well, we’ve been watering them with the control media/soil and the cyanobacteria equivalent.

Took measurements and photos on the 15th (see below), and would like to take another timepoint, probably on the 20th to compare (delta growth), but then I think this experiment could be ended as some of the plants are starting to die and having trouble to growth without support. I added some little sticks and sewing thread to keep them straight but not sure how long it will last, therefore I propose to end the experiment on the 20th, place the plants in ziplock bags and send them back on staurday 21th to Cyprien Verseux at NASA ARC to weight them, quantify and maybe sample them.

We ran out of the real media so we switched to the provided water. As there will be too much water, I would like to request the leftover water of Cyprien to use it for our plant experiments.