Crew 160

Lycourgos Manolopoulos - Crew Commander As a senior studying in Aerospace Engineering with minors in Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Applied Mathematics, Lycourgos’s destiny has led him to his position as MDRS Crew Commander. He is also an active member in the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Tri- Eagles, and The Studying Habitats and Reef Kingdoms Underwater club.​ While at his stay, he will be leading his crew through the land of Mars with all the inspiration he can share. After completing college, Lycourgos wishes to further enhance technology for space travel and planetary exploration.

Ashley Hollis-Bussey - Executive Officer From Jacksonville, Florida Ashley is studying in her third year at Embry Riddle where she is majoring in Commercial Space Operations with minors in Space Studies and Human Factors. She is an active member of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments and the Amateur Astronomy Club. Ashley also loves spending her time at the Museum of Arts and Sciences as the Planetarium Educator. During Crew 160’s session, Ashley will be studying if stress can be reduced when participants listen to soothing noises while sleeping and the effects it may have on different sleeping stages. After college she wishes to join the Peace Corps and teach children in China to help youth better their communities and their country. Ashley also wishes to attend George Washington University for a Master’s degree in Science and Technology Policy and International Development.

Marc Carofano - Crew Engineer As an active member of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Embry Riddle Future Space Explorers and Developers, and the Society for Physics Students, Marc could not be any more excited to be a part of Crew 160. While at MDRS Marc plans to take as many photos as he can for the crew and keep the Hab up and running for the crew. ​He is currently a second year student studying in Aerospace Engineering with minors in Astronomy and Space studies. Marc hopes to make it to Mars one day working on the development of society on the Red Planet.

Hiroki Sugimoto - Green Hab Officer From Chiba, Japan, Hiroki is a sophomore majoring in Aerospace Engineering and minoring in Physics and Mathematics. ​He is involved with the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments and Embry Riddle Future Space Explorers and Developers. Hiroki is very interested in stars and airplanes. He is also passionate about plants and flowers making him the primary crew member for the Crew's GreenHab Officer! ​Hiroki will be studying natural light in an isolated environment that may or may not influence hormones and emotions in participants. He hopes this helps boost positivity in his participants. He has hopes of one day becoming the first astronaut to land on Saturn’s moon, Titan.

Cassandra Vella - Crew JournalistAs a second year sophomore majoring in Human Factors Psychology and minoring in Space Studies and Aerospace Life Science, Casandra acts as the News Editor for Embry Riddle’s Avion Newspaper, Student Government Association and the Vice President of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments. Cassandra is a blogger of space and science news on websites such as Tumblr. Cassandra plans to study memory performance during the two weeks that the crew is isolated. She is from New Egypt, New Jersey and hopes to travel as far as she can after college.

John Herman - Crew Biologist/Health & Safety Officer From Jacksonville, Florida, John is studying Interdisciplinary Studies with minors in Space Studies, Aerospace Life Science, and Human Factors. After graduating high school with completing AP Biology course and a passion for space and the medical field, John is a perfect candidate for Crew 160’s Biologist. John also has certifications in CPR and EMT Training. He has been a member of the Student Government Association, Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity, and the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments. Outside of school, John is involved with Undergraduate Research at Halifax HMC’s Trauma Center. During MDRS, he is planning to study whether or not there is a blood pressure decrease in the resting rate before, and after EVA missions. ​After college John hopes to become a Doctor on a space outpost, such as the ISS, and/or a surgeon for NASA.