
Commander Report

3 NOV 2015 -- Sol 11

Paul Bakken


Greetings Mission Support!

Crew 155 will send the required reports in accordance with the protocols forwarded to us yesterday. All crew report having been able to respond to the CapCOM test email.

The crew retired to bed early last night because of an early wake up time today. Most of us were up before 0600 hours to prepare for the media visit.

High winds again today, but that did not deter the film crew or our guest for the day, GZA.

There is really very little to report, since the media visit consumed the entire work day. The film crew wrapped up and cleared the site at about 1730 hours. While not being interviewed, crew had a chance to relax and enjoy some personal down time.

I believe that the MDRS and Mars Society will benefit from some very favorable coverage stemming from this visit. GZA was an engaging, well-spoken, inquisitive guest, and the onsite director commented that this was one of the best -- if not the best -- segment that they had done for the show so far. The episode is expected to air in late 2016.

We have experienced an issue with the water pump, but have received the instructions for a fix from Mission Support. We will need to perform an excursion to the storage unit to retrieve the Teflon tape needed to start the inspection and repair. I will leave on that mission with selected crew right after all crew have submitted daily reports. We will monitor comms via mobile device while offsite, but expect to have all crew back at the Hab before close of comms.

Crew morale is better today. The visit was energizing. It is always nice to talk to people about the MDRS who seem to be genuinely interested in the work that the Mars Society and resident crews do here.

If we manage to implement the water pump fix before close of comms, I will send a supplement to this report.

Nothing further. The plan for tomorrow is to resume work on the back porch, if we can locate an operational circular saw. Alternatively, we will start on the 7th stateroom or the sheet rocking in the Engineering bay.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Bakken

Commander, MDRS Crew 155