
Journalist's Report


Susan Jewell MD

It is nearing the middle of our simulation and I just can’t believe

how the time is passing by so rapidly. I also cannot believe I have

not taken a shower since the mission started five days ago! I wonder

how long I can last without a steaming hot shower, the smell of clean

lathering soap, and the feeling of fresh shampoo in my hair. It is

moments like this, I really appreciate the small luxuries of life…SOAP

and WATER!

To conserve on our water ration we have implemented a limited amount

of water to be used each day. So creative “out of the box“ thinking

and strict discipline is the key to success. For example, wrapping our

plates and bowls with cling film to reduce washing each time we eat a

meal, or using wet wipes to clean our utensils, or having “dry” baths

each night to keep regular hygiene, or at the very least, to be

sociable and prevent strong body odors.

Future Martian explorers will need to seriously change their behaviors

to adapt to scarcity of resources, such as water and food. Living in

a closed-loop environment poses many challenges on the human condition

and quality of life. Another problem space explorers will need to face

each day are the funny weird odors emanating from our bodies and

strange places. Today the crew had their first major problem that all

earthlings suffer…a block toilet! Imagine the thought of living in a

“small sardine can” with weird smells from a blocked toilet, stagnant

urine, and other indescribable floaters…forget about calling Joe the

Plummer. Here on Mars, you call “McGyver”, aka the crew engineer.

I joined the EVA team today to video document the geological terrain

mapping study. In fact, I have decided to document the entire analog

astronaut experience to show how Martians might live on Mars one day.

The vast expanse of the red terrain is so mesmerizing and

distinctively Martian-like that if it was not for the presence of

gravity imposing on my body, I can easily forget that this is a

simulation. Standing here with my crew team in the vastness of the

remote desert, it is easy to transport oneself to the future. One day,

humans will be walking the surface of the planet with support from a

Curiosity rover and DATA the humanoid robot.

Today, we conduct simulations to build the foundation and test the

technologies in order to turn our vision into reality. No matter the

sacrifices, large or small, personal or professional, we have to make

them to move space exploration forward. Our crew 144 is very proud to

be part of this Human Mission. Onwards to Mars!