
Crew members: Karen Rucker, Jonathan Beechner, and Otsmar Villarroel


12 N 518277 4249548 (skipped)

12 N 520446 4251115 (Candor Chasma)

ATV: 1 – 2 – 3

Time: 9:00 am depart – 11:30 am return

Purpose: Chemistry EVA. To expose students to doing chemistry field work while staying “in-sim.”

Summary: Due to a desire to spend more time in Candor, like crew 167A, we skipped the stop at Big Boulder Corner and went straight to Candor. We did not find any water either, but also found a great deal of gypsum. We were surprised by the amount of green vegetation down in the canyon. We observed lizards, birds, and found evidence of nesting by some unknown creatures.