
Commander Report

Mehdi Scoubeau


Dear Earth,

This morning during EVA#3, 3 crewmembers went outside and headed towards the coordinates they had prepared before. They arrived on top of some relief and the view from there was breathtaking with a particularly red pigment like never encountered before. We are now trying to retrieve the GPS coordinates of this newly discovered literally out-of-Earth place in order to go back there one day soon.

During this EVA, one of the crewmembers suffered from the “Chris Hadfield problem” as his visibility through the helmet was reduced because of fog and the multiple scratches on its surface. As a consequence, he fell in a small hole in the ground which was fortunately not too deep and he was not hurt. However it reminded us all that safety is a very important matter that should not be neglected. A briefing on the cleaning of the helmets and the relevance of the buddy system during and EVA will be held tonight.

Otherwise, the rest of the EVA went well and provided us with useful data through several experiments. It will soon be possible to conduct them more efficiently by solving a few remaining technical issues.

Inside the Hab, everything is going fine as we still have ideas of recipes to try out in the kitchen and everybody is helping with the different tasks from cooking to cleaning.

As a conclusion, Science and Exploration are happening in a cheerful atmosphere and the crew is delighted of that fact.

Best from the whole crew!