
//Begin transmission///

Romain Compère

20 April 2015

Journalist report

Hi Earth!

Today was an unusual day on Mars, especially for me. We woke up at

8:30, ate breakfast at 9:00 and Bastien, Florian and myself went out

on EVA : Florian had to take new samples (again) that were located

near an old streambed for his experiment and I had to shoot scenes for

my movie (scenes of somebody taking samples on Mars, isn’t that

incredible?). As the streambed was quite far away from the base, we

had to use the ATV’s. The landscape during the ride was incredible,

the desolated Martian terrain was very impressive and we had the

feeling to be ridiculously small among all these huge red rocks.

Meanwhile at the base Martin, Auriane and Gaspard were organizing the

shooting of a video of presentation of the base. At our return, they

explained us during lunch the role we had to play, and we spent a part

of the afternoon filming different scenes, which was very nice! We

will show it to you as soon as possible.

Concerning our experiments, the main concern we have is actually

Martin’s one. He is experiencing severe technical issues and is not

sure to be able to lead his experiment until the finish. We hope the

best for him. All the other ones are progressing. Florian’s one is

especially spectacular, we see every day new petri dishes appearing on

his desk with different colors.

Tonight we will enjoy a “Mars marinara”, a recipe invented by a

previous crew. Let’s see if we can cook it as well as they did it.

Our thoughts go to our family and friends. Between a week we will be

back on Earth but we don’t really know how to feel about that!

Ad astra!

Romain Compère,

Crew journalist, crew 153.

///End of transmission///