
MDRS 164 Journalist Report 04/03/2016

Sol 12. Last sol of simulation.

« Well, I was really starting to feel like a Martian » (M. Iranmanesh, Executive Officer).

« Leading this mission was a great honor, and we are really happy to have met all our scientific goals. But God knows that, with such a crew of slackers and morons, that was no piece of cake » (M. Scoubeau, Commander).

« I really felt like home in the Hab. I even started to like dehydrated food » (A. Lillo, Crew Astronomer)

« Mars is not for the weak. And by weak, I mean Camille » (M. Iranmanesh, Executive Officer).

« I need a shower so bad » (M. Scoubeau, Commander)

« Knock knock ! » (A. Lillo, Crew Astronomer)

« Who’s there ? » (J. Rabineau, HSO)

« Art » (A. Lillo, Crew Astronomer)

« Art who ? » (J. Rabineau, HSO)

« R2 D2 » (A. Lillo, now locked in the main hatch)

« That was awesome. We plan to go back for next rotation. Please take me » (L. Maller, Crew engineer)

« I’m hungry » (A. Lillo, Crew Astronomer)

« Me too » (M. Scoubeau, Commander)

« You guys got used to this : it is like going out with a backpack, that is an habit we will have troubles getting rid of » (J. Rabineau, HSO)

I told you we really need a MHSO (Mental Health and Safety Officer).

Camille Gontier, Crew Journalist MDRS 164