
MDRS 164 Journalist Report 29/02/2016

Sol 8. Short news from the Hab :

- Jérémy, our HSO, started tracking our weights one week ago. Every

morning, between our seven-minute workout and breakfast, we step on

the scale and have our weights recorded. According to the figures, we

all lost some weights, except for Louis, who gained 1kg in one week

and who, as crew engineer, often gets up in the middle of the night in

order to, according to him, « fill the loft tank ». In the meantime,

our chocolate and peanut butter reserve are all gone. Coincidence ? I

don’t think so.

- Morale and cohesion among crew members is still extremely good. In

order to gain productivity and to work more efficiently together, they

all allied against me. I think that having written in yesterday’s

report that I was cooking pizza with them while I was actually

watching them work from the comfort of my chair was not very clever.

But the usefulness of having a scapegoat in a space crew will probably

be the topic of my next scientific paper.

- We should add a letter to Jeremy’s title : indeed, we desperately

need a MHSO (MENTAL Health and Safety Officer). Mohammad is emitting

strange noises all day long with his fingers and his lips. Are

isolation and workload to blame ? I mostly think of Louis’ music

playlist. Please, someone needs to tell him Cindy Lauper and Bon Jovi

are not in the billboard anymore.

Camille Gontier, Crew Journalist MDRS 164