
Officer Poulet to CapCom and to Coordinator Orenstein.

The heater has been running at 1500W until 11:30am when I noticed that the temperature had rose to 88F and thus turned off the heater. I turned it on again at 12:30, when temperature was in the low 70s.

All plants are looking well.

I transplanted the pepper sprouts in the 3 bags on the hydro table. They look fine. I put 2 sprouts per bag and in the third one, 3. Indeed, 2 sprouts were growing on the same soil cube, so I left them together and we can remove one of them when they are bigger, which gives us a redundancy. Where should I discard the small pots which were around the soil cubes and the cubes I did not transplant?

The pump is operating normally.

I finished the set up of my experiment today. I initially had the shade until the top of the experiment shelf but I noticed it was blocking too much natural light and the light intensity in the part of the shelf with LED showed lower values than on the part without LED. So I lowered the lamp and lowered the shading as well (I attach a picture of the setting to this email). No light is passing through.

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 59 Degrees F 28 Degrees F 88 Degrees F

Humidity 17% 13% 23%

Greenhab readings at 9am today were as follows:

Meter 0.52 KwH

Duration 15h 15 min

Best regards,

Officer Poulet