
EVA Request:

EVA #3

Crew members: Karen Rucker, Otsmar Villarroel, Jonathan Beechner


12 N 518277 4249548

12 N 520446 4251115

ATV: 1,2,3

Time: Departure at 08:30 a.m.

Duration: 2h to 2h30.


Chemistry EVA. Teach students about using the Geiger counter to identify background radiation. Also have students collect a water sample for analysis back at the hab.

Goal: Complete the Chemistry EVA.

EvaPlan Report



Point0: 0

Point0 East: 518230

Point0 North: 4250725

Purpose0: home

Point1 Away: 12 N 518277 4249548

Purpose1: Identify potential background radiation sources

Point2 Away: 12 N 520446 4251115

Purpose2: Collect water sample

Eva Number: 3

Go Rogue: no

Route Change:

Lead Name: Karen Rucker

Suit Num One:

Atv Num One: 1

Navi Name: Jonathan Beechner

Suit Num Two: 1

Atv Num Two: 3

Three Name: Otsmar Villarroel

Suit Num Three: 2

Atv Num Three: 2

Depart Time: 08:30