

SOL: 6

Person filling out Report: Mohammad IRANMANESH, XO

Summary Title: Mars is not trying to kill us anymore.

Mission Status: All systems GO.

Sol Activity Summary: Started working on a mid rotation video. Atmosphere opacity experiment is working but weather condition not optimal for test. Rover range test. EVA. Work on projects. Change of water filter with a 3D printed spare. We started tracking internet consumption hour per hour to avoid any mistake.

Look Ahead Plan: Finish mid-rotation video. Rest tomorrow afternoon before starting next week experiments.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Hot but cloudy.

EVA: ATV worked well. Scouted North and South of the Hab mainly staying on the main road. No big issue.

Reports to be filed:

- Commander report

- Engineering report

- Journalist report

- Astronomy report

- EVA #6 report

- EVA #7 request

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