
Science Report


Prepared by Thibaud Herriau

Helium Balloon expirement - February 26th 2014 - Science Report

This report summarizes

1. the procedure used to build the helium balloon

2. which measurement equipment was used

3. how results were extracted

4. a brie explanation of our methodology

5. Discussion of our results

6. Future opportunities for the experiment

7. The conclusions we can make concerning the experiment overall

1) DIY large-capacity helium balloons


(For 3 balloons)


- 3 emergency blankets

- 3 small rubber pipes 3 fitting caps

- a few colsons (= plastic fixing and tightening straps)

- some tape

How to:

- Shape the emergency blankets into balloons, using as few tape as

possible, in order to minimize

their weight.

- use the colsons to attach the rubber pipes at their entrance. The pipes

are the valves that will

allow us to inflate the balloons with helium and close them afterwards

with the caps.

- attach the 3 balloons to each other with a colson, leaving enough space

to insert a rope.

The rope will allow us to attach the nacelle and keep the balloon captive.

2) The nacelle and measuring equipment


We built our nacelle using

- balsa wood (strong & light)

- glue/silicone to attach the equipment tightly

- ropes to attach the nacelle to the balloon on its upper side and to a

long (250 ft) rope on its

under side: make small holes in the balsa and tie the rope pieces.

/!\ For stability, you should at least have 3 attach points on both sides

(making a stability


On the nacelle, we attached

- an anemometer to measure the wind velocity

Ref: Winpoon® LCD Digital Wind Speed Scale Gauge Meter Anemometer Thermometer

- a multimeter measuring: altitude, temperature and humidity

Ref: GSI All-In-One Outdoor Exercise Data Handheld Monitor

- a GoPro Hero2 video camera

3) Extraction of the data


The video footage can be extracted as is.

To have a synchronized view of all measured meteorological data, we used

the video camera to film

the measurement devices.

We then extracted the temperature, wind velocity and humidity as a

function of the altitude by

reading the video frame by frame.

4) Planning and conditions of data acquiring


The initial aim of this experiment was to launch the described setup

(helium balloon attached

nacelle) around 6 times during the two weeks at MDRS, depending on the

weather conditions.

Unfortunately, the amount of helium we were able to bring to the MDRS was

limited to about 800

liters (30 cubic ft).

This should theoritically allow 2 launchs with a payload of 300 grams.

We decided to do only one launch using all 30 cubic feet since 3 factors

were unfavorable:

1. MDRS is located at 1400m altitude, which means lower atmospheric pressure.

2. The temperature can reach quite high values during the day, making the

drag less effective.

3. Our payload weights 500 grams which is too much to be able to perform

two launches.

We choose the following weather conditions for the launch: no risk for

rain and not too windy.

5) Discussion


A - Data analysis

The collected data showed nothing useful unfortunately.

The altitude raised normally with the height of the nacelle, but all other

measures followed a flat


Temperature: 20 /- 1°C at every altitude

Humidity: 24% at every altitude

Wind velocity: 0.0 m/s at every altitude

That being said, a few useful points can be raised to get better results:

* Problem 1: measured wind velocity = 0.0 m/s.

Reason: We chose a sunny day with calm wind for the launch EVA. It turns

out there was no wind

during the whole EVA.

Having no wind at all is bad luck, but it should be mentionned using

helium balloons to make weather

measurements has some intrinsic limitations as strong winds don't allow

the balloon to raise


* Problem 2: The balloon reached an altitude of 200 ft maximum.

Consequence: The difference in temperature and humidity over 200 ft isn't

big enough to be measured.

Solution: the balloon should be raised at a higher altitude (which needs

more helium and bigger


(Note: exceeding a certain altitude, one needs administrative permissions

to launch the balloon).

* Problem 3: The density altitude of air around MDRS is high (2500m)

(Altitude: 1400m -> lower pressure & day-temperature: 25 /-10°C in February)

Consequence: Small difference of density between air and helium. Which

means we need bigger balloons

and more helium for the same upwards drag.

Solution: bigger balloons.

* Problem 4: The helium we were able to get shipped to MDRS was Walmart

helium for party balloons.

It is not of the best quality (i.e. not perfectly pure helium) and

therefore offers a smaller


Solution: Use helium bottles of better quality.

Note: the helium we used in Belgium for our test launches was top-quality

helium used in chemistry


* Problem 5: Volume and precision of the measurement equipment.

Consequence: less stable nacelle and less accurate results.

Solution: using more expensive specialized captors and record the data

with a small microprocessor,

e.g. an Arduino.

Note: This solution is more expensive than what was used.

* Problem 6: the images and videos we collected from the balloon were from

good quality but the

ropes of the setup cross the screen from corner to corner.

Avoiding this would enhance the quality of the videos.

B - SIM conditions

Although we knew a week before arriving at MDRS that we wouldn't have

enough helium to do multiple

launches, we kept this experiment as a test to see if our protocol was


We expected more workable measurements, but knew the experiment wasn't

going to be a scientific


Therefore, the focus was on the fact that the experiment needed very few

ressources and had to be

performed 100% in SIM conditions. We did a test build on Earth but part of

the experiment was to

rebuild it from scratch at the MDRS, starting with its building in the lab

to the launch during EVA

and the need for an easy way to retrieve the data and analyse it back in

the Hab.

To that end, the restraint on the amount of helium was a huge pluspoint,

since it made the SIM

conditions more difficult and made us think about alternative gases that

could be used on Mars.

The SIM part of the experiment was a success.

- The balloon was easy to build, with materials usefull in many situations.

- The setup did collect the data properly

- The data was easy to retrieve

6) Future opportunities


A big concern for this experiment is its reproductibility on Mars.

Mars' atmosphere is different from the one we have on Earth and helium

balloons will have trouble to

fly there.

Also, helium would be way too expensive to transport to Mars.

Therefore, it is important to think of alternative ways to make the

balloons raise on Mars.

Mars has a lot of rocks containing hydroxides.

Those can be processed to retrieve their oxygen content, yielding extra

hydrogen in the process.

One possible way to lift balloons would be to use that hydrogen gas.

On Earth hydrogen gas is dangerous because it explodes when reacting with

the oxygen in the air.

This wouldn't be an issue on Mars since there is no oxygen in the

atmosphere on Mars.



This experiment at MDRS showed some strenghts and limitations of this

method to acquire meteorogical data.

Building balloons can be done safely in SIM using only multi-purpose

materials and in small amounts.

Bringing helium to Mars is troublesome but other gases could be used

instead, such as hydrogen.

A series of issues were raised in section 5A that should be studied more

thoroughly in order to make the used methodology operational.

The balloons should be big enough to reach high altitudes and lift a

consequent payload, on a repeatable basis.