
Crew 161 Journalist Sol 2

Crew Journalist: Adeniyi Adebayo

11 January 2016

Hello Earthlings!

It was a bright and warm day today on Mars. Our crew set out on our first-ever EVA. Three crew members went out to scout for potential soil samples for plant studies. The crew was led by our biologist, Officer Nat (Natalya Glazkova). Our biologist, who doubles as our HSO is studying plant survival in the tough Martian soil to cater for any emergency should we have supply shortages.

The crew demonstrated wonderful team spirit as an issue with GPS was promptly resolved through the HABCOM which was coordinated today by our detail-oriented astronomer, Officer Veronika. We also managed to get good photos of the EVA team on the ATVs as they cruised across the Martian landscape.

Lunch was hot beef teriyaki with potatoes for all crew members and vegetarian soup for crew commander Dee (Divya Shankar). Comrade Lenin (Mikhail Khmelik) and yours truly spent the evening planning tomorrow’s EVA, mapping out proposed territories and discussing details.

Looking forward to a productive SOLs ahead.