
SOL 3:

Sol Summary Report (SSR) for 11APR2016

Person filling out Report: Drew Canham

Summary Title: Houston, Rucker-doodles are delicious!

Mission Status: Right on track . . .

Sol Activity Summary:

Hola, Mission Support,

Commander Rucker made Beechner a surprise treat of his favorite treat, Snickerdoodle cookies (with a Martian pantry twist) that proved to be wonderful, and have been affectionately coined Rucker-doodles.

Operation Day 3 in progress. Commander Rucker, Ostmar and Jonny B (Beechner) went on EVA Three—a chemistry mission. It was a success. Victoria, Jaxom and I made lunch—delicious taco rice was served. (Okay, Victoria made lunch, but Jaxom and I were very supportive.)

The afternoon consisted of work tasks, independent research, and preparing for the San Francisco Film Society’s visit tomorrow. We are scheduled to spend about eight hours with them. We are excited about the potential stardom that awaits us! Jaxom led an effort to find a potential clog in the pipes that could be influencing water pressure and flow. I helped by handing him tools. We found a clogged filter, cleaned it and put everything back together. Water flow and pressure normalized. Well done, Jaxom. As an aside, Otsmar now knows what the term “plumber’s crack” means.


We had Pho (soup) for dinner—it proved to be pho realz!

Interestingly, we are wondering what was up with the Greenhab efforts from the previous crews; we knew from the transition briefings that the tomatoes and radishes were struggling. However, after just one day of singing to the plants, whispering kind words to them, and reading them a bedtime story (Harvey Potter’s Balloon Farm), we have home-grown tomatoes. I feel very accomplished and have awarded myself a merit badge (see picture of tomato plants attached). It turns out that my singing has also literally encouraged two REAL tomato spouts (see Greenhab report).

In other news, I have decided as Health and Safety Officer that we need to focus on our mental wellness. With that in mind, I am in the process of converting the newly built GreenHab dome into an Entertainment-Dome. It’s going to be fabulous, causing the other planets to be insanely jealous (especially the dwarf one, who is already having a hard time fitting in these days).

The tranquility pool and koi fish will be unveiled tomorrow. Future plans include a movie theater, tanning bed (using the little plant-room located within the Hab, gaming table, disco ball, and food delivery service (using Victoria’s rover).

MDRS lessons:

1. Drew is the Plant-Whisperer. I may submit a proposal for a Reality TV show. People watch anything, so it’s guaranteed to be a hit. Look out Honey Boo Boo, Dance Moms and Real House Wives from Wherever.

2. Seriously--Jaxom has energy. From now on, energy should be measured on a Jaxomian Scale.

3. We love it when the previous crew leaves us helpful way-points for our EVA’s: checkpoint 1: Stop Here; checkpoint 2: Keep Going, Silly; checkpoint 3: Yep, Still a Road …; Well-played Crew A. See you soon.

4. Look way in the back of the pantry for the good chips (the previous crews ALL missed them). Score!

5. In preparation for our movie nights in the Entertainment-Dome, I will provide some cartoon-short-film options from some of our childhoods. (I also plan to subsidize my outer-space income by continuing the Earthly tradition of overcharging on snack food! I’m thinking $20 popcorn. I mean, really, there is no competition up here.) For your viewing pleasure, check out Duck Dodgers and the 24th and a ½ Century at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyZ42Csl4Xw (note: for bandwidth reasons, I haven’t seen the entire clip copied above, but it starts out as intended and Rated G).

6. ​P.S.: I may have too much time on my hands.

Anomalies in work: We are above anomalies—unless of course our crew literally is one.

Weather: Stellar—if only we could play outside all day. We are optimistic we can use the observatory tonight.

Look ahead plan: We are well-poised for our visit with the San Francisco Film Society tomorrow. Look out, Matt Damon.

Crew Physical Status: Hopped Up on Chocolate! (Serious note referencing the Entertainment-Dome paragraph: we are mentally and emotionally well.)

Upcoming EVA: Film Society work tomorrow. Wednesday EVA’s to be determined based on who the Commander most wants out of the Hab!

Drew Canham

XO and HSO (aka Dr. Initials)