
Commander Report

MarsLog: 2014.12.23

It was another successful day on Martian soil. The sky was clear, sunny and there was a sense of renewed energy and a fresh start. The sun was radiating out it life giving force and I could not wait to start the day.

Matteo, our crew engineer, and I conducted the second medical EVA on the planetary surface using the ATVs to take us to the injury site by using the coordinates generated by the UAVs. We also tested the feasibility of using the ATV’s to carry the equipment and backboard to the “dummy” injured astronaut, Igor. We then proceeded to conduct medical triage at the injury site. The other crew team provided Habcom, medical support and telecoms for the simulation.

The search and rescue, SAR, team tested the use of placing a tourniquet and a cervical collar to the patient dummy and taking vitals. These were quite challenging procedures because of the thick gloves which reduced our dexterity and digit manipulations including the fogging of our helmets from perspiration and humidity. Working under the hot rays of the Martian sun increased the difficulties of the operations. Fatigue and dehydration are frequent symptoms of simulation EVAs on the Martian planetary surface missions. We lifted the injured astronaut, Igor, onto the backboard and securely tied him to the front of the ATV and evacuated back to the Hab. One day, humans will be walking on the Martian surface and the probability of injuries and the need for search and rescue operations will be necessary. The purpose of these types of medical EVA simulations is to develop standard operational procedures, SOPs, and protocols that can be used to train future astronauts and space settlers.

Once inside in the Hab, I prepared the laboratory of the lower deck into a make-shift operating room ready for the medical intra-vehicular activity and the telesurgery intervention which we will conduct tomorrow. The training of non-medical train crew members is necessary and vitally important especially if the health and safety officer is the injured crew person.

The rest of the day was spent catching up on daily reports, completing our science projects and in preparation for the holiday celebrations including recording holiday videos to our family, friends and loved ones. It is moments like these that remind us how we miss our loved ones.

It is the season for giving thanks and remembering that Life is wondrous and Cosmic.

Love from the Martians.