
Executive Officer Report

4 NOV 2015 -- Sol 12

Jackelynne SM

MDRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 12

Summary Title (your day in less that ten words)

Engineering area refinement and deck construction continuation

Mission Status: (How are things going?)

We had a mid-mission debrief to check on how things are going for each of us, and how we can help each other to improve how we are feeling. This helped us to air out things and to also propose things for improvement for the next days of our mission.

Sol Activity Summary: (What did you learn/do today?)

Continued work on the deck to align the ends and get it ready to add the stairs

Prior to placing the wall on the engineering area of the hab's first level, relocated the electrical outlets and switches for better reach and usage for future crews

A few crew members went on EVA rover expedition as part of getting familiarized with the area and testing the GPS coordinates prior expeditions were able to retrieve

Photography session was conducted by our own Arts in Residence crew member

Spackled and painted other areas in the first and second level of the hab

Continued with temperature readings of the greenhab

Look Ahead Plan: (How are you going to follow up? What’s the plan for tomorrow?)

Continue with construction of stairs in the back porch

Work on loft area to convert it into a sleeping area (alternative stateroom)

Anomalies in work: (Any problems?)

Not applicable


A little bit cold but nice. For those that conducted the EVA expedition this would be the perfect weather temperature as it gets hot inside the flight suits if the temperature is higher

Crew Physical Status:

Everyone looks more energized

EVA: (where did you go?)


Reports to be filed: (List them)

See Commander's report

Support Requested:

Not applicable

Respectfully Submitted,

Jackelynne Silva-Martinez

Executive Officer, MDRS Crew 155