

Since Fox News and a separate photographer are coming to do a story here, we are requesting the "Requests" Tasks be done before they arrive on Thursday 28 Jan morning.

Date: 25 Jan 2016

Crew Engineer Name: Anderson Wilder

Diesel – 65%

Propane – 14%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 10 Gallons

Water (trailer) measured in inches from the top– 28 inches (EMPTY)

Water (static) measured in inches from the bottom – 33 inches

Trailer to Static Pump used – NO

Water (loft) – Level 8

Static to Loft Pump used – YES, used the night before to level 12 before


Water Meter: 103,945.6

Atv # 1,3,5 Oil Checked: Good

Atv # 1,3,5 Fuel Used Gals: 0

Atv # 1,3,5 Tires Status: Good

Atv Hours Used Day: 0

Atv Notes And Comments: Same as Sol #1, ATV #2 does not work at all.

ATV #4 battery reported to be really low, so not operational. Will attempt to charge battery this week

Summary of Engineering activities: Went through basic engineering report procedures, everything is good

Notes: Lab sink drip has appeared to have stopped, or at least drastically diminished.

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support

This is my own personal question for maintenance but I’m assuming the hab uses a septic tank. Therefore, is anyone actually checking it? Just curious


Need to get a refill on the trailer water tank.

Trash needs to be taken out.

Refill the propane tank