
Commander Report


Susan Jewel

Hello Earthlings! Here’s to another day on the Red Planet. I cannot

believe we have been living here for nearly a week. The time does fly

by so fast here. It has been quite busy with multiple activities. The

Jupiterians (aka film production crew) left early today after a

successful documentary filming about the lives of four zany but

passionate analog astronauts. It was refreshing to welcome the

visitors but we were also happy to have our space to ourselves again.

Michal and Matteo went on another successful EVA to retest the rovers

and UAV for terrain mapping and scouting. They manage to take some

great aerial shots and videos of the Martian terrain from the UAV


It was a relaxing afternoon and some crew members decided to take

power naps and catch up on much needed sleep. Matteo and I looked at

the EEG headsets and worked on collecting some data for the meditation

and yoga. It was a fun afternoon as Matteo, Michal and I decided to

start the space helmet paper mache project today. We will update with

pictures when it is completed.

Well, time to say goodnight as I will make my way to the lab to catch

“Charlie” our Martian mouse. It’s always fun on Mars!!!