
What a day! We have power but are again requesting assistance with increasing internet bandwidth. Requesting a Hughes technican to visit our site.

The main generator is INOP. Backup generator is running. Tapping on the diesel tank at all levels it makes quite the hollow sound and it sounds empty. Have not been able to contact DG about what is really happening.

After coming back from Hollow Mountain and the Post office (while maintaining SIM -see below) the door to the generator building was open and I have left it open. Both generators were running and the diesel fuel level looked unchanged (45% from ground level). After checking things we were able to get power fully restored at 12:20 p.m. thus out of power for 21 hours and 52 minutes. Everything fully operational now. With the exception that we later found the main generator is not working.

Later EVA found the door still open and the main generator not running. I used a ladder to get a better indication of the fuel level and it is more accurate to say it is at 40%. Tapping on tank it sounds completely empty. Backup generator is running.

DG restored power, took away garbage, brought ATV fuel and filled our empty trailer tank. Thank you DG!

Date: 10 February 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Ken Sullivan

Diesel – 40%

Propane –78%

Gasoline - 100%

Water (trailer) – 31 cm

Water (static) – 0 cm (full)

Trailer to Static Pump used - Yes

Water (loft) – 47 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - Yes

Water Meter Gallons: 91759.4

Comments: Made contact with DG. Two crew went to hollow mountain in the pressurized rover, but maintained SIM! Yes, Pamela and I received odd looks and some photo requests while inside Hollow Mountain in our space suits to make sure we stayed in SIM. Fortuitous timing as DG was right there. Also stopped by the Post Office, poor girl's first day and two people come in in space suits. DG already picked up the NASA knee pads we are to test and we do have them.