Crew 145

Dr. Susan Jewell, MD - Crew CommanderDr Susan Jewell is a space physician-scientist, biomedical engineer, Analog Astronaut & Commercial Astronaut-in-training. Trained at NASA Johnson Space Center and University of Texas Medical Branch: Aviation & Space Medicine Program. An alumni of International Space University,ISU, Space Studies Program SPP14. She is Commander of MWOB MarsCrew145 and selected as a finalist with Crew 144 for Flashline Mars Artic Research Station , FMARS MA365: a, yearlong mission in Artic in 2015. She was the executive officer and HSO for MarsCrew134 analog astronaut expedition. She served on the remote mission support team, and currently shortlisted, for NASA funded Hawaii Space Exploration Analogue Simulation, HISEAS. Trained as a Scientist in Depart of Molecular Therapeutics & Drug Discovery, National Cancer Institute, NIH and UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine,. A TV/radio/social media Expert (CBS, Fox, ABC, NBC) Recipient of NIH fellowships: Cancer Research Training Award & National Research Scientist Award. Dr Jewell is co-founder of the International Space Medicine Consortium, an international, collaboration of space professionals. She is a member of Aerospace Medical Association, Aerospace Human Factors Association, Space Medicine Association, Royal Aeronautical Society, Astronauts-4-hire, Mars Society. Ambassador for SARG (Commercial Spaceflight Federation) and Mars Initiative. Her mission is to expand space medicine, telesurgery, biomedical research for deep space exploration, and Lunar and Martian base stations and envision, Humanity to become a multi-planetary species.

S. Ali Nasseri - XOAli is an Early Stage Researcher at the ISI Foundation as part of the Marie Currie ITN WALL. Prior to joining ISI, he conducted graduate research on surrogate based aerospace fuel modeling at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies and worked on system level modeling and design optimization of space systems at the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Lab and Space Systems Research Center at K. N. Toosi University of Technology in Iran.

Since January 2012, Ali has been working actively with the space generation advisory council’s Space Safety and Sustainability project group on their active debris removal project. His activities led to the SGAC Young Leadership Award 2012 which helped him attend the Space Generation Congress 2012 as a rapporteur for the Exploration Working Group. He is currently the executive co-secretary of SGAC and the co-lead for the SGAC SSS project group. He is also a 2013 IAF Emerging Space Leaders grant recipient and a recent graduate of the International Space University’s Space Studies Program.

Dr. Julielynn Wong, MD, MPH - HSO & GreenHab OfficerJulielynn is a Harvard-educated, award-winning public health physician, innovator, educator, and journalist.

Dr. Wong trained in space medicine at NASA Johnson Space Center and serves as a faculty lecturer at Singularity University. Miss Wong has created 3D printable medical supplies to provide healthcare in some of the most challenging places, to those who need it most. She founded the Center for Innovative Technologies and Public Health, whose mission is to educate leaders on applying technologies to address the greatest challenges in healthcare. Miss Wong has reported for ABC World News, is a blog contributor to Forbes and the Huffington Post, and made numerous television appearances, including an Emmy-nominated series on Discovery Channel.

Dr. Wong is the recipient of the Harvard University Knox Fellowship, the Aerospace Medical Association Young Investigator Award, and the Canadian Medical Association Award for Young Leaders.

Matteo K. Borrei (PhD) - Crew Computer & Robotics OfficerMatteo was born and raised in Italy. He has been building autonomous vehicles professionally since 2007 and 3D printer accessories since 2011. He says that his main claim to fame is to have deployed at least one of his machines on land, sea, air, underwater and space.

Michal Czapski - Crew EngineerMichal Czapski is a graduate of Technical Physics at Poznan University of Technology in Poland and of Erasmus Mundus program with Material Science major at two European universities: University of Rennes 1 in France and Munich Technical University in Germany. He did research for his final thesis at Kyoto University in Japan working on negative thermal expansion in a group of ceramic materials. This experience brought him to CERN, where he got the Early Stage Researcher position to work on developing ceramic materials. His fascination with space came during the winter science course in Kiruna, Sweden where he went to watch and study the northern lights. Motivated by the lecturers of the the Space campus in Kiruna he applied and got accepted to Space Studies Program 2014 at International Space University. In his free time he is a passionate scuba-diver. His other water hobbies include sailing, swimming or surfing. He has also interest in film making, directing and acting.