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The final day of simulation began like everyone of the last few days with music, coffee and breakfast, but a sense of nostalgia fell over the crew. Cmdr Liz, spoke about the plan of the day and reminded the crew of the visitors we would have later that day.

The final EVA of Crew 152B consisted of a team of Crystal, Arwhil, David, and Hannah. The crew set out for Burpee Quarry to look for and document evidence of petrified wood and vertebrate fossils, as well as one last test for David's rover, ELIJAH.

While the EVA team was driving back, Liz and Melody were whipping up a delicious lunch of Jambalaya with summer sausage. While enjoying their wonderful lunch, the crew took the time to reflect on the past week. Stories of what went well, how the team has grown closer, and the outcome of everyone's projects.

Once lunch was over, the crew took the time to do a little cleaning to prepare for the arrival of our guests. A few hours later Shannon Rupert brought in our guests, six Navajo students from Dine College. The crew gave the students a quick tour of the HAB and briefly discussed their projects. The students departed to view a few of the local formations while the crew prepared a Martian meal of dehydrated broccoli, dehydrated cheese, canned chicken, and rice to share with the students.

After dinner, the crew plans to have an astronomy activity and hope to show the students a view of Jupiter!

As the final day of simulation is coming to a close, Crew 152B looks back on the wonderful experience that this has been. The memories and friendships that have been forged throughout this week, are not soon to be forgotten.

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