
Hello Mission Support,

Engineering Report

Date: March 17, 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Mehdi Scoubeau

Diesel – 77%

Propane – 57%

Gasoline – 2 gallons in tank

Water (trailer) – distance from top: 90 cm (empty)

Water (static) – distance from top: 52 cm

Trailer to Static Pump used - no

Water (loft) – 42 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Summary of Engineering activities:

- I prepared the EVA of tomorrow by cleaning the helmets and gloves that we are going to use tomorrow.

- On main generator

- Internet connection via WiFi

- HALpr on

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

- Some pages (“record eva plan” and “explore possible eva routes”, for example) on HALpr do not seem to be available because of a “internal server error”.

- We are currently very low on water (in the trailer tank) and on ATV gasoline.

- A truck came to pick up the dumpster.

Thank you,

Mehdi Scoubeau