
SOL 4:

Sol Summary Report (SSR) for 12APR2016

Person filling out Report: Drew Canham

Summary Title: Houston, the Commander won’t let me go outside …

Mission Status: A-okay.

Sol Activity Summary:

Hola, Mission Support,

Operation Day 4 in progress. The San Francisco Film Society arrived and worked on their documentary. Neil and Joe, a.k.a. “the dudes,” spent time with the six of us as we progressed through SOL 4. JonnyB, Otsmar and Victoria went on a Geology EVA. The dudes followed them in their SUV-like rover. It was more advanced than our rovers. I think they have deep pockets. They only have one though; we have five.

Executive Chef Victoria planned pasta for lunch and calzones for dinner—it’s Italian Day; Karen helped since Victoria was out on morning EVA. The dudes said that lunch exceeded their expectations. Victoria is also sous chef, senior chef, saucier, poissonnier (that’s fish, not the poison-er; my brain went into high gear for a moment, there); rotisseur, grillardin, friturier, entremetier (both portager & legumier), tournant (commis too), garde manger (no, nothing to do with “away in the manger…”), boucher, and of course the patissier. People on Mars keep busy. (Note: everyone wants to stay on the good side of the patissier. Mama didn’t raise a dummy.)

The afternoon consisted of work tasks, more documentary filming and independent research. My independent research needs a title; for now, a working thesis can be “Entertainment-Domes in Space: a Social Necessity to Prevent [. . .]” (You, lucky reader, get to pick the ending. I will select the response I like best. For you academics, no, I will not provide a rubric. If I like it, I like it.) I worked on three E-Dome aspects today:

a. The Tranquility Pool is operational. We have koi fish swimming around to sooth our souls. (See attached.) Note: Naming opportunities for the “[Insert Name] Tranquility Pool” are available. Just give me a buzz—I’m the only Drew up here.

b. The tanning bed project is coming along. I am re-purposing the mini-greenhab into a tanning bed. Malibu Barbie is helping us with beta-testing. (See attached. Note: we’re using recycled tin foil. Waste not; want not.)

c. JonnyB is using his laser thingie to help me design the theater for maximum seating occupancy. I mean, really, we only have six people up here. But once Dr. Zubrin’s (et. al.) Mars Direct plan goes operational—BOOM! Cash Cow . . .

MDRS lessons:

1. For your viewing pleasure, check out Marvin the Martian and Bugs Bunny at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z40AsPaktzw. (“Where is the Earth shattering kaboom?”)

2. The San Francisco Film Society guys said the Hab would rent for at least $4,000.00 a month in San Francisco. This makes me wonder about the colonization of Mars. I want to get there first; lots of “for sale by owner” opportunities. I remember something from law school about “possession being 9/10th of the law”; I wish I had paid attention. #life-lesson

3. Jaxom is making things out of Chain Maille. He may know something we don’t; he isn’t sayin’.

4. Titles don’t mean a lot in Space. Astronaut and Engineer also means “pooh de-clogger.” See also, supra: Executive Chef further-defined.

Anomalies: We have a lot of pepperoni in the fridge. We may have enough to make a bridge back to Earth. Future researchers should evaluate whether pepperoni is a viable source of methane and other gases which can serve to further reduce Mars Direct expenditures.

Weather: We are wondering how much sun tan lotion we’ll need and how much tin foil to use on Mars as compared to the Pale Blue Dot. Mostly kidding.

Look ahead plan: Seriously hoping to get out of Time Out soon. Thank goodness we’re in a round building, or I would have been told to go sit in the corner long ago.

Crew Physical Status: Doing swell—we may actually like each other. I’ll get back to you on that. If we commit to actually liking each other, we might make friendship bracelets during an upcoming craft night in the Entertainment-Dome. (BFF6?)

Upcoming EVA: Chemistry EVA 2 and External Hab Measurements EVA (for JonnyB & Jaxom’s virtual reality research).

Drew Canham

XO and HSO (aka Dr. Initials)?

Drew Canham, Ph.D., J.D.

VP for Student Success

McLennan Community College