

Summary Title: Clear skies after the storm

Mission Status: Hab is operational, systems are in a good config. Mission

objectives are on track for a successful second week.

Sol Activity Summary: Our crew excitedly welcomed our visiting crew member,

Robert, a professional photographer from the UK. His spaceship landed just

before 10:00 and he joined our morning daily planning conference. Our EVA

yielded helpful navigational data and some incredible shots of our team

hiking across the snow-covered Martian hills near the habitat. The skies on

Mars are clear tonight and we will be observing with the telescope. We got

some great photos of the ISS flying over the hab before the opening of


Look Ahead Plan: We are nearly half-way through our second week...time

flies on Mars! We have only 4.5 days left on in our mission.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies to report.

Weather: Snow has stopped and skies have cleared. Sunny and cold day, cold

night with light wind. No clouds.

Crew Physical Status: One crewmember reporting shoulder pain from the EVA

backpack not being adjusted correctly; we will switch her pack for

tomorrow's EVA. Otherwise crew is healthy and happy.

EVA: EVA #4 was a success. Summary report will be submitted tonight. EVA #5

request for Sol 11 will be sent tonight also.

Reports to be filed:

1. Commander Report

2. Engineering Report

3. Journalist Report

4. Daily Photos

5. Greenhab Report

6. EVA #4 Summary Report

7. EVA #5 Request

No astronomy report but we will be firing up the telescope tonight. Report

to follow tomorrow.

Support Requested: Help in locating mouse traps but other than that nothing

at this time