

Ilaria Cinelli

EVA Members: Crew 158

EVA date: Dec 12th 2015

Purpose: Human performance in long walk distance: female vs male.

Location 12S-518230E-425720N

Number of EVA crew:2

Crew Members going on EVA: Susan Jewell,Ilaria Cinelli

ATV 1 used:no

ATV 2 used:no

ATV 3 used:no

ATV 4 used:no

ATV hours planned usage: 0

EVA departure time:1018 am

EVA return time:1223 am

The weather was colder than the previous days.We walked for about 2km far from the Hab under a cloudy weather.We decide to divide the EVA in two parts: the first was walking on a straight road,the second was hiking on hills.

The main discomforts were neck pain, cold hand and lower back pain as predictable.