
Sol 09

Crew 161 Commander Report

Crew Commander: Divya Shankar

Day started with regular morning briefs and engineering checks from our crew engineers. Myself, Crew Engineer, Crew HSO and Astronomer went on foot EVA to collect soil samples from Region 2 for chemical analysis. I will be doing the sample analysis tonight and passing it on to our crew biologist to grow beans in it.

It was tiring EVA but still enjoyed martian view of wonderful hills around. We arrived back to hab on time and our crew astronomer cooked us delicious food. All of us took a nap after lunch and rested a bit. Crew Engineer continued to work on the robot and took some more video shots in the observatory and lab. We had our regular evening meeting to discuss about tomorrow’s EVA and to update the team with the progress of individual research projects. We are looking forward to spend tonight putting all the video shots together and upload on the drive when we have unlimited internet access.