
Commander Report Crew 167B:

Karen Rucker

Sol 7

Earth date: 04/15/16

This morning the crew had a simple breakfast to music by Victoria. After some repairs and modifications to the EMSR, Victoria led Drew and Jaxom on a local EVA for further testing. There were some minor complications due to the rain, but the rover was still able to make a special delivery to a neighboring Martian.

During the morning EVA, the crew remaining in the hab worked on individual projects while I reheated soup with spaghetti noodles and veggies for lunch.

During the afternoon, the weather cooperated enough for Otsmar, Beechner and Victoria to finish the Geology EVA that had been cut short earlier in the week due to the San Francisco Film Society film crew. The crew was surprised by a small hailstorm in the afternoon. We are having “breakfast for dinner” tonight, which Otsmar became excited for after initial confusion due to minor translation issues.

We are very sad to leave tomorrow, some more than others. We managed to band together to prevent Otsmar from cancelling our flight back. I now understand why the Crew 167A Commander briefly locked out her Commander-in-Training. Our excitement to welcome the work crew is completely unrelated to the prospect of having “Earth food” for lunch. We will continue to hold to sim tonight, but will officially wake up “on earth” tomorrow morning.

We are always grateful to the Mars Society and to McLennan Community College for their support of the Mars 101 program at MDRS.

From Crew 167B; MDRS Martian Outpost

Crew Commander


Quis leget haec?