2015-16 Scholarship Program

Mars Desert Research Station Scholarship Program

Field Season 2015-2016

We offer a number of scholarships that are available to all accepted crew applicants. Most scholarships waive part or all of a crewmember’s participation fees only, although there is some flexibility depending on the agreement created between MDRS and the crewmember. For example, some scholarships will also include a stipend for particular equipment and supplies for a specific project while others may only waive a portion of a crewmember’s fees. To apply for any of the following scholarships, do the following:

1. Complete the application for crewmembers, available on the MDRS webpage http://mdrs.marssociety.org.

2. Send an email to srupert@marssociety.org indicating your interest in a particular scholarship. Include the details requested below for each scholarship for which you apply.

We offer the following scholarships:

Mission Support Scholarship: This is a scholarship for Mission Support personnel who wish to serve as crew. Let the director know that you are interested and for which crew/position you are applying. Mission Support personnel already have priority for crew assignments, and this scholarship is an additional reward for their hard work. Generally only one scholarship is available each field season.

Field Science Scholarship: This scholarship is open to all crewmembers who have field experience in remote locations and are applying for a crew scientist position. Be sure to include detailed information about where, when, and in what capacity you have field experience. Two scholarships are available for each field season.

Engineering Scholarship: This scholarship is open to all crewmembers who have practical, hands on engineering experience. Preference is given to those who can demonstrate these abilities through work experience. Be sure to include detailed information on what experience you have and how it would benefit both your crew and MDRS. Two scholarships are available for each field season.

Artist-in- Residence Scholarship: This scholarship is open to all student and professional artists and writers in any field. We encourage the artist to engage in a Mars/Mars analog project while at MDRS, but this is not necessary. Generally one scholarship is awarded per field season.

Work Study Scholarship: This scholarship is open to all crewmembers who participate in a refit/work party at MDRS. These are held before and after the field season. No specific experience or skills are required, but if you do have a skill that would benefit the MDRS campus such as horticulture, electrical, astronomy, lab management, painting, carpentry, home repair/remodel or you are a very hard worker, please indicate this in your email. The number of scholarships opportunities available is dependent on the number of people who are able to commit to the requirements. Complete crews are also welcome to apply for these scholarships and work can be completed during their rotation.

There are three new scholarships available this field season:

Engineering Team Scholarship: Available to those members of the engineering team who participate in Crew 156 at the beginning of the field season

MDRS Veteran Scholarship: Available to those who served on Crews 1-70 and are accepted as part of Crew 170.

Emerging Space Leaders Scholarship: Available to those who successfully completed the Emerging Space Leaders program in the 2014-2015 field season.

If you have any specific questions, please contact us at srupert@marssociety.org.