
Commanders Report

Susan Jewell MD

Mars Log: 2014.12.14:

This day was a sweet and a very sad day for me.

Sad that I had to say goodbye (temporarily…I hope) to my crew 144 as they left the Hab on the ERV back to Earth while I remained to take over the station for another two week mission as Commander of Crew 145. I hate saying goodbyes. I only want to say hello until the next time. It was an incredible journey two weeks with MA365 crew 144 of Artic finalists...a wonderful but incredibly qualified professionals who were also a brilliant bunch of zany passionate and driven analog astronauts. Whatever the future holds, I will hold dear to my heart these experiences I shared with my new Martian brothers and sisters…my new family! Thank you guys for I have learnt so much form you all.

Sweet in the fact this was a day I had envisioned for a long time, a very long time. In fact, since I decided to start my journey to Mars many years ago. I had dreamt of becoming a Commander of my own crew. So now it is with MarsWithoutBorders MDRS Crew 145. We had spent many months in preparation working hard to ensure we had the right mix and to make this a successful mission.

I know being a leader is not an easy task or a job you would take lightheartedly. I know this for I I have watched and learned from the best over the years but especially from my last Commander, Gregory of Crew144. These are the best of the best and extra-ordinary leaders. I hope I can live up to their mentorship and expectations.

We will see. I look forward to my new crew team. So happy to have you guys onboard!!