
Astronomy Report


Sol 9

Eriko Moriyama

Sky Conditions: Clear

Wind Conditions: Slight

Observation Start Time: 03/14/2016 9:30 P.M.

Observation End Time: 03/14/2016 11:30 P.M.


Beautiful Moon in the sky is good to point the telescope and makes my crewmates excited, but sometimes it is not happy for astronomers. I wanted to try M42 again, but I felt the Moon is close to the nebula and rather to take photos of the Moon instead. So, I spent the first an hour just outside of the observatory (no doubt of inside the pressurized area) to capture our home and my workplace with the Moon. Then, I started up the telescope, moved it to the Moon. It was so brilliant!! Especially, our commander was delighted with it.

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Post-Scriptum: I will start observing Mars from next time.