
Commander Report


Paul Bakken

Greetings All,

Abbreviated report tonight. Thank you for your patience.

All of Crew 155 is now onsite. Multiple issues with the Hab upon arrival, but we have worked with Shannon to get the most important ones resolved. We just now got comms on -- thus the late check in.

We will review the previous emails once we get the rest of our work completed tonight. We need to scrape and prep all of the staterooms for painting tomorrow.

Work plan for tomorrow is to paint the staterooms, help the university team assemble equipment in the GreenHab, sterilize the static tank and flush the water system, and begin deconstruction of the back porch. (We will be building a new back porch later in the rotation!)

Crew morale is high and we are looking forward to the rest of the rotation. Due to some of the heavier construction tasks, we do not expect to enter Sim until Tuesday at the earliest.

Thanks again for your support. I will send a more detailed report tomorrow.


Paul Bakken

Commander, MDRS Crew 155